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5 Ways to Make the College Transition Easier | College Planning


Understand the Biggest Misconception of SAT/ACT Prep

Over the years, the SAT and ACT examinations have been the point of scrutiny over forms of test preparation. Many reports both, scholarly and news have stated that taking test prep courses have little to no effect on the final result, but the SAT College board has finally taken a stand to say that test preparation has been shown to drastically help SAT scores. According to a study which involved 250,000 test-takers, “more than 16,000 gained 200 points between the PSAT and the SAT.” Test prep does help, and at SYKTC our SAT/ACT prep is lead by professionals who teach the tools and techniques to help your student test better.

Practice Makes Perfect

Studies show that taking the SAT/ACT more than once, has been shown to dramatically increase the scores of students who scored particularly lower in certain sections of the test. For example, students who scored low on either their math, critical thinking, or writing sections, increased their scores by up to 46 points on their second attempt at the SAT. This shows that if a student becomes familiar with the test, and works within a regimented SAT prep program, they can increase their scores dramatically, especially in sections that may be troublesome for them.

55% of students who retake the SAT score higher their second time. That is to say that SAT prep, that we provide, allows your student to practice the test taking tools that they will train with, and then take multiple practice tests, which will then improve their score once they sit down to take their counted SAT test.

All-Pro Tutoring Works to Raise Your Student Up

Tutoring is a key lifeline to students in high school working their way towards college. Studies have shown that tutoring an average student can bring them from average marks, to the top 2% of their class. When a student is applying for colleges, grade point average is a heavy indication of the scholastic intent of the student, and any opportunity to raise a student’s GPA should be taken.

College Essays Can Be the Deciding Factor

The college essay can be the deciding factor for a student admittance to a college or university. It is after all a competition between candidates, and how a student presents who they are to a college committee may decide their interest in the student. We can help your student with their essay by reviewing their essay and give critical feedback.

Use the Help of Local Experts!

Here at Send Your Kids To College we are here to help you and your student get into a better position moving forward towards college. Whether you need assistance with filling out your FAFSA, budgeting college expenses, preparing for SAT/ACT, All-Pro tutoring, essay help, whatever it is that you need, our professionals here at your local nonprofit are here to get your family ready for the important transition to college. Give us a call or fill out your contact information here, and we will contact you to get you the help you need.


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