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7 Tips for WNY Students to Prepare for SAT Tests

Writer's picture: Jeff Boron Jeff Boron

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Hello and welcome back to the WNY SYKTC blog! We welcome families and students from all over the region to utilize and share our resources here on our site, as well as over on FACEBOOK and LINKEDIN! If you or someone you know has a future college student, you’ve found a great place to be! We feature monthly blogs and tips on college planning, from various chapters of our team here at Send Your Kids to College. See Our Full Team Here!

Today on the blog, we wanted to take a few minutes from our All-Pro Tutoring chapter and provide WNY students with a few tips for preparing for the SAT. As we know, test scores will always be impactful on financial aid, so let’s get ready for THE TEST that will be sure to test every student.

Here are 7 Tips for students to study for the SAT!

  1. Create a Study Schedule

  2. Use Quality Materials

  3. READ.

  4. Control what you can control

  5. Be Prepared

  6. Know what you know

  7. Take it Again

Create an SAT Study Schedule

You’re going to want to be prepared, and part of being prepared is preparing to prepare. Blocking out specific allotted free time can help to keep you on track and ensure you get into a study rhythm. Decide on a date that you plan to take the SAT in advance, and once you know when it’s going to be, begin your schedule. Try to allot 2-3 hours a week dedicated to studying. Keep in mind other activities and sports will cut into your study time allotment, so plan accordingly and prioritize the schedule.

Use Quality Materials

There are a lot of “SAT for Dummies” books out there. Be sure that your resources are up-to-date and remember that the test has evolved over the years. How you study depends on what you study. Here are a few good resources below.


A huge part of being a successful SAT test-taker is reading. Specifically, your reading quickness and accuracy. On the Reading section, you will want to be able to get through the passages quickly and be able to comprehend the key points. By lowering your total time reading, but maximizing your reading accuracy, you can help to maximize your performance.

Reading through and practicing SAT-style questions is paramount to success, but reading ANYTHING is useful. Practice makes perfect.

Control what you can Control.

You can’t exactly control what is going to be on the test or know EVERY answer on the test, but you can control some things. You can control your time pressure. You can control your level of care (or carelessness), and you can control your comprehension. Students often get nervous on test day because they feel pressure due to the time factor, but if you practice regularly, and read often, you can rest assured you’ll have enough time.

Be Prepared.

If you’re a performer or athlete, you know how important it is to be healthy-minded and prepared physically for when the lights go on. Test day is game day. It’s a time to be present and purposeful, and once it’s gameday, the hay is in the barn. The final thing you can control is ensuring that you get a healthy night’s sleep, and are energized and fresh.

***Bonus tip-Preparing by bringing a few layers of clothing will allow you to know you’ll be comfortable if you’re stuck in a cold or warm room.

Know What You Know

Try not to leave any questions blank. Give yourself some time to go back and answer anything that you skipped over. If you are running out of time, don’t be afraid to take guesses. You aren’t penalized for wrong answers, your score is totaled from correct answers. Particularly you have a 25% chance of victory on a multiple-choice guess. Eliminate some of the answers you KNOW are wrong first in this case.

Take it again.

One of the best ways to prepare yourself for a high SAT score is to take it more than once. You can certainly get a higher score the second or third time around because you’ll know what to expect. You probably won’t be as nervous on a second test, because it’s not your first rodeo.

These are just a few tips for students preparing for the SAT. It’s never really too early to take an SAT course, and if you’re interested we have some really talented and experienced tutors available to WNY students. If you are interested just give us a shout via our contact page, or call us at -----. Thanks! Break a leg!


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