Welcome back to the blog! We use this page as a resource for local Western New York families with children planning to attend college. This month, in under 2 weeks, experts from Send Your Kids to College will collaborate for a free COLLEGE READINESS WORKSHOP! You can sign up here to get access and learn more! Today on the blog we wanted to talk a little bit more about who will be presenting and why you should attend!
Here's who will be presenting on Tuesday, October 29th for the COLLEGE READINESS WORKSHOP!
Tonya Molnar of Navigating Your Future
Tonya's mission is to empower students with confidence in their future and equip them with the tools necessary for academic and professional success. Her program, Navigating Your Future, focuses on helping students pick the right major, so they can fast-track their college experience successfully.
She provides comprehensive assessments that help students to better understand themselves, their values, and what types of careers would be right for them. She also unlocks interactive tools and access to the MyCollegeMax program, which helps to build a pathway to being ready for college, and ready for a career! You won't want to miss her free workshop this month!
Learn More About
Denise Breier & Jackie Sheehan from All-Pro Tutoring & Test Prep
If you follow us on Facebook or Linkedin, you already have probably heard of All-Pro Tutoring and Test Prep! Jackie and Denise are the founders and leaders of All-Pro, which is one of the most successful tutoring and test prep groups in Western New York! They, along with their extensive team of test prep experts help students ALL OVER WNY better understand the SAT and ACT tests.
They feature instructors who meet at many of the community education centers around various towns, and even help to provide a course on writing the college application essay! Of course, they also provide K-12 tutoring and review for Regents exams as well! This month they will be presenting at our College Readiness Workshop to help inform parents and students regarding the current landscape of how the SAT & ACT can impact your kid's college admissions process.
Jeff Boron from Send Your Kids to College
Jeff and his daughter Kayla are the faces of Send Your Kids to College! They help families with college financial aid forms and help provide insights into how every decision impacts the cost of college. With decades of experience here in WNY, Jeff brings an expertise to the college planning process that is unmatched. As we've mentioned frequently here on the blog, changes to FAFSA have been extremely frustrating for college students the last few years, and Jeff & Kayla are masters of working through those changes.
He has worked with families from all over the region to help forge a productive path toward paying for college. As you may already know, the father and daughter of our organization also provide 3 scholarships every year for Young Achievers who demonstrate great character and achievement! You should certainly consider coming to see him present on 10/29 at the home of Send Your Kids to College!
All four of these individuals have some of the most experience working in the college planning industry in our area. Whether you're from Erie, Niagara, or Genesee County, we highly recommend taking advantage of this free opportunity to take in some free information and learn more about how you can be best prepared for your student entering college. Whether you have a kid graduating in a few years, a middle school student, or a young son or daughter, it's never too early to start planning! We look forward to seeing you there!