As Western New York Certified College Planning Experts, we work with students and families to help bridge the gap with the college money talk. It isn't something that everyone understands, but we understand very well. When you have the right person in your corner, you can help your child reach their dreams, without emptying your entire bank account.
We recently worked with a student who will be attending SUNY Fredonia, and prior to working with Send Your Kids to College, was going to be receiving a mere $705 in Grants and Scholarships. With the help of our experts we provided the right information and needs to appeal to what SUNY Fredonia was providing, the student (and family) were able to amass a much larger sum in the form of NYS Grants Pell & Scholarships.
After the appeal, the Student & Family were awarded $11,159.00.
This is just one example of what the right experience and insight could save you. If you are a parent here in the Buffalo / Western New York area, we'd love to help. You could be missing out on a significant amount of money which could make a big difference. It's certainly an odd time for anyone going through the college planning process right now, in a post pandemic world.
This example... the student went from needing to pay somewhere around $25,685, to $14,526.00 for their first year of college.
If you have kids, it's never too early to start thinking about The College Money Talk, but ask any parent who's going through it now, and you'll find you CAN be TOO late. If you have any questions involving FAFSA, Student Loans, Financial Aid, or even SAT/ACT testing, please check out our resources and don't be afaid to reach out via our contact form or give us a call! We love what we do!